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280 lines (147 loc) · 5.43 KB

Creating and working with grid objects.rst

File metadata and controls

280 lines (147 loc) · 5.43 KB


import pygeogrids.grids as grids
import numpy as np

Let's create a simple regular 10x10 degree grid with grid points at the center of each 10x10 degree cell.

First by hand to understand what is going on underneath

# create the longitudes
lons = np.arange(-180 + 5, 180, 10)
lats = np.arange(90 - 5, -90, -10)
[-175 -165 -155 -145 -135 -125 -115 -105 -95 -85 -75 -65 -55 -45 -35

-25 -15 -5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 155 165 175]

[ 85 75 65 55 45 35 25 15 5 -5 -15 -25 -35 -45 -55 -65 -75 -85]

These are just the dimensions or we can also call them the "sides" of the array that defines all the gridpoints.

# create all the grid points by using the numpy.meshgrid function
longrid, latgrid = np.meshgrid(lons, lats)

now we can create a BasicGrid. We can also define the shape of the grid. The first part of the shape must be in longitude direction.

manualgrid = grids.BasicGrid(longrid.flatten(), latgrid.flatten(), shape=(36, 18))

# Each point of the grid automatically got a grid point number
gpis, gridlons, gridlats = manualgrid.get_grid_points()
print(gpis[:10], gridlons[:10], gridlats[:10])

(array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), array([-175, -165, -155, -145, -135, -125, -115, -105, -95, -85]), array([85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85, 85]))

The grid point indices or numbers are useful when creating lookup tables between grids.

We can now use the manualgrid instance to find the nearest gpi to any longitude and latitude

ngpi, distance = manualgrid.find_nearest_gpi(15.84, 28.76)
print(ngpi, distance)
# convert the gpi to longitude and latitude

(235, 424808.51317782089) (15, 25)

The same grid can also be created by a method for creating regular grids

autogrid = grids.genreg_grid(10, 10)
autogrid == manualgrid


If your grid has a 2D shape like the ones we just created then you can also get the row and the column of a grid point. This can be useful if you know that you have data stored on a specific grid and you want to read the data from a grid point.

row, col = autogrid.gpi2rowcol(ngpi)
print(row, col)

(6, 19)

Iteration over gridpoints

for i, (gpi, lon, lat) in enumerate(autogrid.grid_points()):
    print(gpi, lon, lat)
    if i==10: # this is just to keep the example output short

(0, -175.0, 85.0) (1, -165.0, 85.0) (2, -155.0, 85.0) (3, -145.0, 85.0) (4, -135.0, 85.0) (5, -125.0, 85.0) (6, -115.0, 85.0) (7, -105.0, 85.0) (8, -95.0, 85.0) (9, -85.0, 85.0) (10, -75.0, 85.0)

Calculation of lookup tables

If you have a two grids and you know that you want to get the nearest neighbors for all of its grid points in the second grid you can calculate a lookup table once and reuse it later.

# lets generate a second grid with 10 random points on the Earth surface.

randlat = np.random.random(10) * 180 - 90
randlon = np.random.random(10) * 360 - 180
# This grid has no meaningful 2D shape so none is given
randgrid = grids.BasicGrid(randlon, randlat)
[-67.7701097 79.03856366 -71.6134622 63.7418792 -25.91579334

19.20630556 -79.29563693 11.49060401 33.88811903 41.03189655]

[ -65.98506205 -86.16694426 112.33747512 -49.55645505 -22.02287726

132.29787487 91.23860579 -92.31842844 94.96203201 -66.00963993]

Now lets calculate a lookup table to the regular 10x10° grid we created earlier

lut = randgrid.calc_lut(autogrid)

[551 45 605 85 411 283 603 260 207 155]

The lookup table contains the grid point indices of the other grid, autogrid in this case.

lut_lons, lut_lats = autogrid.gpi2lonlat(lut)

[-65. 75. -75. 65. -25. 15. -75. 15. 35. 45.] [ -65. -85. 115. -45. -25. 135. 95. -95. 95. -65.]

Storing and loading grids

Grids can be stored to disk as CF compliant netCDF files

import pygeogrids.netcdf as nc
nc.save_grid('', randgrid)
loadedgrid = nc.load_grid('')

<pygeogrids.grids.BasicGrid at 0x7f21801b31d0>


<pygeogrids.grids.BasicGrid at 0x7f218019ec90>

Define geodetic datum for grid

grid_WGS84 = grids.BasicGrid(randlon, randlat, geodatum='WGS84')
grid_GRS80 = grids.BasicGrid(randlon, randlat, geodatum='GRS80')




